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Why list your Personal Trainers with Gyms

Nowadays a huge proportion of people make their buying decisions based solely on information discovered via the internet.  The fitness industry is no different in this regard.

.co.nz  is New Zealand's premier fitness website attracting hundreds of thousands of hits every month from throughout NZ and is continually increasing in popularity.  Visitors include fitness centre owners, managers, staff, and the general public with an interest in sports, fitness and exercise.  If you are looking to attract any of these markets to your business then you need to advertise in Gyms.co.nz

More importantly Gyms
.co.nz attracts a targeted audience.  If you are advertising on our site, you know that the visitors that are becoming aware of your advertising already have an interest in the health and fitness industry and therefore they are more likely to be interested in your product or service.  

Standard Trainer Listing
The Standard Listing is FREE of charge for 12 months and entitles you to the following benefits:

1.  Listing of your business and / or contact name in our PT section.
2.  Listing of your address in our PT section.
3.  Listing of your phone number in our PT section.
4. Personal Trainers may list their email address in our Standard Listing.
5. Listing of the areas that your trainers specialise in.

The Standard listing is FREE of charge for 12 months.

Apply For Standard Listing

For further information on our listings then please email us at info@gyms.co.nz .   A consultant will contact you to discuss details of your advertising listing in more detail.